Thursday, April 17, 2008

Education does pay off!

I just finished up with a very reputable agency and am now on board to move into the healthcare industry as a Certified Medical Assistant. It has taken mountains of hours, studying, and sleepless nights not to mention a 300 pt certification test that I recently passed and I have now reached the start of a new career. In a way it is bitter sweet because some of my cleaning customers will have to be let go as I obtain more hours working in a clinic and I have come to enjoy so many of them through the years. It also marks a milestone in realizing that the cleaning business served it purpose and now doesn't which shows me an upside to the empty nest syndrome which I passed through kicking and screaming and still shed a tear now and then even though Daniel and Karen still reside at home (I hardly see them but their here somewhere :). My dad always wanted me to be in business for myself and couldn't understand my passion to work with people that were sick or hurting in some way as well as working for someone else. I am totally content with that and can hardly wait to give my first immunization (sorry all you who are prone to fainting at the sight of needles). Enough said - I strive ever forward!!!!!!!!

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