Saturday, August 30, 2014


Took Aiden to the park last week for about an hour. It was a park that I grew up around and I noticed it had changed a lot over the years. Demographics aside, they had added more play equipment and the building was locked up like Fort Knox. I found that out when Aiden announced that he had to use the bathroom and we were forced to leave. Too bad they can't have something that wouldn't be vandalized that people could access for a reasonable request like using a restroom.

Anyway, I named my post "Diversity" because the playground had about 35 kids with parents there and Aiden and I were the only two that were white and didn't speak Spanish. It is amazing how children can look past limitations and still have lots of fun and can interact in ways we wouldn't think of. One little boy latched onto Aiden, leading him into all kinds of games on the playground equipment. The only English his mother said he knew was "hey boy" which worked for Aiden. You'd never say that to a black kid. Amazing.

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