Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Life With Bandit

Bandit continues to amuse us or in some cases annoy us. For the first time, he got a hold of a full toilet roll. I was, as usually the case, on the computer and I heard him growling and barking in the living room. I didn't pay much attention because he does this fairly frequently with bones that I get from the butcher, not to mention that I really needed some time to myself. I usually let him have them outside until he totally cleans them off and then we have them stored in his toy basket (is this a toddler or what????). After about 10 minutes Bandit joined me at my feet in the computer room. Meanwhile  Michael comes down from upstairs and I hear him yell "Christine What the heck is going on?!" I come rushing into the living room only to see the living room has been t-peed by the dog. I couldn't stop laughing and my "Doom & Gloom hubby" keeps saying, "I don't see the humor in this". As I fell onto the couch from laughing I realized that it was just what I needed after a long day of work. I can only say God works in wonderful & mysterious ways! Laughing feels sooo good sometimes! Unfortunately I didn't take a picture so I put this one in of him after getting stung by a bee (he tends to leave them alone anymore).

Bandit's swollen lip. No more bees for him!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Another Odd Pic

I love looking around in my environment for interesting pictures to take esp. when I am traveling. When I went to Indiana for the annual Starnes family reunion I didn't take any pictures because it's always the same people, same place, same food, etc. etc. Michael asked me if I took pictures this year and I said only one. Unfortunately it was at the airport and there aren't any Starnes's for Fiedlers in it but it's another one I can add to my collection in interesting and odd pictures (if you click on the picture you can see a closer look at the little people and if you listen REAL close you can hear them squeeking out, "hurry, we're late for our flight!". I think I'll start an album!

At least they aren't in a landfill!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Birthday Time

Happy birthday Karen. Sometimes I wish I could stop time but of course it's not to be. Loved ya then and love ya now! Have a great 29th!!! Mom  :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


enjoying a snack (first time having a pretzel I believe)

I got to babysit today even though I'm not a grandmother (yet). Daniel has a friend that has a little boy and she was in a pinch so he called me and the rest is history. I told Daniel since he was my youngest child he never really had to learn to share his toys so this would be his chance to do that. I rounded up some of his Hot Wheel cars, his legos and some books and I got busy having fun with 18-month-old Aiden. Had forgotten that children that age have the attention span of an ant so I decided not to worry about the mess that would inevitably fill my living space. He has a pretty good grasp of language even though he calls every female mom. I didn't mind knowing that he has full knowledge of who his mother really is. Following are some pics I took of our time together. Enjoy.

 Lego fun
of course we had to try out the piano

gettin' tired