Thursday, April 30, 2009

29th and counting!

I thought I better put this in since tomorrow is May 1st. Michael and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary on the 19th of this month. We were going to bike over to Edinborough Park in Edina and "people-watch" over a picnic lunch by the lake but it rained so we took the light rail downtown and ate dinner at a restaurant in the Comfort Inn Suites Hotel on 7th Street. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the restaurant but it doesn't matter since the brocolli was rubbery which is definitely a bad sign. Lots of atmosphere, though. We had fun just being together even though we've been together now for 29 years. Lots of milestones. Watching the neighborhood change over time (we are one of two families with the longest residency on the block). Having babies, birthday parties and many, many family Christmas and Easter celebrations. Having pets to love and cherish and bury in the backyard (rest in peace Marty, Keet, Ratty, and Belle). Gutting the house, getting rid of the bats and finding out too late that the fence on the north side of the house really has belonged to us all these years. But we all know that the bottom line is who's standing next to us through all those years of sadness and joy, frustrations and forgiveness and love and loss. It's been a great ride so far. Thanks, dear for standing with me through it all!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spices, Seasonings and Herbs Oh My!

If you've never been to Penzeys Spices you've missed out on a real aromatic experience. Michael and I go there alot and enjoy it immensely. I'm not sure if it's the wonderful smells of 250 varieties of spices and herbs (they have samples of everything for your "smelling" pleasure) or just taking in all the shops in the Uptown area but it's a real treat to spend a Saturday afternoon browsing among the locals picking out the next recipe idea for Sunday dinner. We stopped in this past Saturday as he had received a gift card from some friends at work and he wanted to spend it. Because we're considered regulars at Penzeys we have just about all the "stuff" we need for a great meal but there is so much to pick from that he went in search of a new seasoning or gadget they might enhance his cooking skills which those of you that know him know what a great cook he is! We had a great time on a beautiful sunny day enjoying the sights and smells of Penzeys!