Sunday, February 15, 2009

Has Anyone Seen Sherwood Forest??

Michael and I took a over-the-road trip to Mason City, Iowa to watch his uncle Charlie and son Scott compete in a bow and arrow shoot. They are from Indiana and make the trip each year to compete. Charlie's son has gotten so good he is sponsored by companies that make the products for the sport. In fact I got a real deal on a very good pair of binoculars because he is sponsored by the company that sells them. It was a really good time. Like any tournament they had venders along one wall selling products for the sport as well as a snack stand with hotdogs, drinks, and various other food items. There are different competitions with prize money and trophys and it goes from Friday through Sunday. It is open to men, women, and children alike. You compete depending on your level of ability. I never knew that bows and arrows came in so many different styles and colors. Robin Hood would have been envious!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The 3 Good Samaritans

Daniel and I went down to the Caboose, a popular club near the west bank featuring local and national bands. We went to see the 27th Annual Battle of the Jug Bands. A little background would be helpful here. Karen is doing an internship at University Good Samaritan Center, a residential rehabilitation nursing home facility for her degree in Music Therapy. There are 3 Good Samaritan facilities. The three facilities all have music therapists as part of their nursing staff and they all get together and form "The 3 Good Samaritans", a very good (I might add) jug band. They enjoy competing every year at The Caboose in their annual Battle of the Jug Bands. This was Karen's first year and very much a highlight for the band because they didn't have an accordianist so she fit right in. They even had her do a solo during one of the numbers. Cover charge was great too; a free will donation to the Food Shelf of Minneapolis.