Friday, December 27, 2013

Skipping to Christmas

Sorry to all my blog readers out there. I have basically been in a "funk" and haven't been motivated to even do my favorite thing which is writing on this blog site. Nothing really happened in November anyway except turkey day.
Moving on to December, I hosted a cooking baking day with my two daughter-in-laws and my daughter. Venessa couldn't come as she was out of town but Hannah (Daniel's wife) and Karen came.
I was a little nervous due to never having a cookie baking day but we all did fine. I worked on cookies on the stove and the girls did oven baking. It was fun to see them work on their relationship building as well as their cookies. We fought Michael for the TV so we could tune in some Christmas carol listening but to no avail. Dumb football. Then I remembered my little speaker that can hook up to my phone and got some carols streaming throughout the kitchen while we cooked. The day was a success and we shared 3 different kinds of treats for a productive day together.

Hannah and Karen rolling out some delicious treats!